I think I am suffering the parenting blues.
Don't get me wrong, though it is why I haven't been posting lately, but I have been thoroughly enjoying parenthood. Baby Melody is growing by the minute, and getting more and more active by the day. It is really amazing to watch how a fragile baby transform to a "super" bouncer who just can't wait to hit the ground running. Life itself is indeed a mysterious thing.
At the same time, I have begun to find myself overwhelmed by some sort of stress. It is terrible but somehow I find myself worrying more and more. My daughter is my responsibility and it is like a huge "burden" (don't know if it is the best word) is pressing on me. But ironically I personally find it a happy burden/worry.
Let me explain:
The stresses of parenthood that have overwhelmed me has mainly to do with Melody's well-being. From the cliched worry if I can provide financially for her, to the fears of SIDS (google it if you don't know, I can't bring myself to type it) I seem to have morphed into a kan cheong (worry wort) parent. Yet despite this, I relish every moment and have not hated a single moment of worry. Sigh.....such is the irony of parenthood.
Oh well.........update on Melody. She is growing well and can now turn (and turn and turn) as well as sit up quite well. She even insists on feeding herself! Talk about being independent!
You heard about different teaching methods and situations where both parents have different ideas of what to teach their children. Well: The missus has great aspirations for Melody and is teaching her to sing!
While I have decided to start with the basics of BLOWING BUBBLES!!!!
And to end off....................................................... Such welcoming smiles when I reach home soothes even the toughest of days!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Parenting Stress
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bloggers Unite For Human Rights - 15 May 2008
Ever since I became a father on 9 Nov 2007, I have cherished and loved every minute of it. This beautiful gift I received also came with some new found responsibility. Everytime I hold my daughter, my mind is filled with future plans and dreams for her. She is my responsibility, and I will do everything and anything within my abilities to ensure she has the best that life can offer. In my personal opinion, as parents and adults, we are supposed to carers, teachers, mentors and many more positive examples for the little ones. This is something, I personally believe should come naturally, especially once we become parents. However, if you look around the world today, many children are suffering. They have been exploited as child labour or soldiers, prostituted for sick-minded individuals who think that money can buy anything and have even been raped by their own parents. This is something that should never be tolerated. I have never understood how a father can have the heart to raped his own daughter. To me, no punishment in our global legal system will ever be enough to punish such monsters who prey on their own flesh and blood. Defenceless, impressionable young children deserve a happy childhood. We OWE them a living because we brought them into this world!
Although many of us are mere individuals without any significant clout, I believe that human rights for children around the world can improve drastically as long as we have the conviction to. Spreading the word one person at a time is a potent enough action that can bring about a tremendous positive change.
Always remember that the children are our future and their present are our responsibility. There are no problem children, only problem parents.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
(Preview) Bloggers Unite For Human Rights on 15 May 2008
It's 15 May 2008 guys and it is the day all bloggers UNITE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS! An idea mooted by Blog Catalog and it aims to harness the power of the internet community to create awareness for various causes.
For those who know me intimately may probably be taken aback by my participation in such a thing. I must admit that since becoming a father, I have become a little bit more serious and worry slightly more about the future. Why? I don't really know, my only guess is that a heightened sense of responsibility does come about once one becomes a parent, for me at least.
In tune with the theme of this blog, my take on human rights will be with regards to children. So stay tuned for my take on Human Rights for Children tomorrow.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Melody is feeling cranky!
Oooh my poor lil princess melody has been soooo cranky today. She has been slightly feverish but I am unsure if it is because of a virus or if it is because she is teething. She has been crying non stop and will only sleep when carried. The moment we try to put her down on the bed, she lets out screams of protest as if to say "Are you STUPID?!!!! Why put me down if I was sleeping soundly and comfortably in your arms??!". Sigh..........carrying her I do not mind........but it is not knowing what is causing her crankiness and slight fever that drives me insane. Maybe I am a "kan cheong" (read: worry wort) parent. But can I help it?
Oh well...........she has finally gone to sleep (on the bed) and we will bring her to the doctor if her fever persists tomorrow.
Here are some photographs for you to judge if: Melody looks like Daddy? Or.......
Like Mummy?
So take a good look and let me know!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Blog catalog
Not exactly an update on Mel..............but just to let you know.................this blog has been added to Blog Catalog.
We've gotten a maid.
We have finally gotten a maid. Despite my almost-violent protests and objections, I succumbed to the missus' pleas and agreed. It has been almost a week since Susan (our maid) arrived and I must admit that I am pretty pleased. She is extremely hardworking and seems capable enough. Though I still kind of feel uncomfortable with another stranger in the house, but hopefully I will get used to it as time goes by. The good thing is that I have a bit more time now that Susan does all the housework, therefore I should be posting more frequently from now on.
Apologies for all the rantings..................this blog is solely devoted to my lil princess melody and I shall try to keep it this way.