Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Baby Melody Wee is growing and growing!


Melody is growing bigger and bigger! If she keeps growing at this rate, she'd probably be a giant pretty soon. Melody's last checkup put her at the 97th percentile of her age group in both weight and height. While I can be assured that she is not fat, my fear is that she has inherited my size which comes with size 13 feet! Can you imagine a girl with size 13 feet? Imagine all the teasing she will have to endure??!!!

Anyway Melody growing fast, at 7 months, she hasn't mastered crawling but it appears that it is not her priority for the moment. Somehow there are early indications that she is a non-conformist. Melody doesn't appear to be that enthusiastic about perfectic her crawl technique but has focused on standing & walking. When forced into the crawling position, she protests by attempting a forward roll. Melody's activity-level as reach new heights and it clearly shows that she has inherited nothing of my laid-back nature but rather 101% of her mother's hyperactive-bordering-on-ADHD genes. Oh well, it is probably for the better. When you're at the 97th percentile of your age-group, being more active will keep you relatively slim I suppose.

Mummy has been trigger happy recently and her are some of her shots:
First off, you know what they say about children, especially babies, they don't give two hoots about your schedule! (Be it whether you are sleeping or not!)
Being the usual fashionista, Mummy attempts to make my baby melody look grown up!
Standing still is Melody's first love. Soon she will be running and so will I...................
Melody has perfected the dreamy look. The look of innocence that just makes you want to pick her up and cuddle her in our arms!

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